Face-to-face Technical Assistance and Training activities

View activities held in:
Acceding beneficiaries

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Activities by Language

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*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

Activities by Key Result

Activities by Mode of TA Delivery

Activities by Region

Activities by Subject


Days of Training by Reach

Days of Training by Language

Days of Training by Subject

Outreach activities

* Specific outreach activities organised for legislators, journalists, business and NGOs on WTO issues and trade policies

Days of Training by Region

Days of Training by Key Result

Days of Training by Level

*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

List of Activities

Venue Activity Title Activity Type Trade topic Start Date End Date
876 Zimbabwe WTO national workshop on Notifications National Transparency 17/10/2019
877 Afghanistan Workshop on WTO Notification Requirements for Afghanistan Virtual workshop - National Transparency 18/02/2021