Face-to-face Technical Assistance and Training activities

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Acceding beneficiaries

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*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

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Days of Training by Subject

Outreach activities

* Specific outreach activities organised for legislators, journalists, business and NGOs on WTO issues and trade policies

Days of Training by Region

Days of Training by Key Result

Days of Training by Level

*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

List of Activities

Venue Activity Title Activity Type Trade topic Start Date End Date
701 Switzerland Editing/drafting of the 3rd edition of a publication prepared by the WCP team, with contributions from WTO chair-holders and AB members. TA support TA Support 03/04/2020
702 Switzerland PhD Support Programme PhD fellowship Multi topic 31/12/2020
703 Switzerland Advisory service to developing countries on dispute settlement - DSU - Article 27.2 Other global activity Dispute Settlement 13/12/2020
704 Switzerland Advisory service to developing countries on dispute settlement - DSU - Article 27.2 Other global activity Dispute Settlement 31/12/2019
705 Switzerland WTO Accession Internship in the framework of the "China's LDCs and Accessions Programme" established by the Government of China under the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the WTO in 2011. Accessions Internship Programme Accession 20/12/2019
706 Switzerland WTO E-Learning courses Other global activity Multi topic 31/12/2019
707 Switzerland 32nd round of MCCDGC Consultations on cotton development aid and 12th dedicated discussion on cotton Global Agriculture 21/11/2019
708 Switzerland Regional Coordinator Internship Programme (RCI) Regional Coordinator Internship Multi topic 13/12/2020
709 Switzerland Netherlands Trainee Programme (NTP) Netherlands Trainee Programme Multi topic 13/12/2020
710 Switzerland French-Irish Mission Internship Programme (FIMIP) French Irish Mission Programme Multi topic 13/12/2020
711 Switzerland Geneva-based National Workshop on WTO Dispute Settlement for officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey National Dispute Settlement 22/11/2019
712 Switzerland WTO national training on Trade and Capacity building for Chinese Government Officials National Multi topic 25/09/2019
713 Switzerland Workshop on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement: Incentives for Technology Transfer Other global activity Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 06/02/2020
714 Switzerland Facilitating the increasing participation of Least-Developed Countries in Trade in Services Other global activity Trade in Services 29/10/2019
715 Switzerland Advanced Trade Policy Course. Advanced Trade-policy course Multi topic 20/03/2020
716 Switzerland WTO Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Young Professionals Programme Multi topic 13/12/2020
717 Switzerland WTO Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Young Professionals Programme Multi topic 31/12/2019
718 Switzerland Advanced Thematic Course on WTO Dispute Settlement. Thematic course/Workshop Dispute Settlement 06/12/2019
719 Switzerland World Cotton Day Regional course/Workshop Agriculture 07/10/2019
720 Switzerland TBT Advanced Short Course Thematic course/Workshop Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 15/11/2019
721 Switzerland Thematic Course on Trade in Services Statistics Thematic course/Workshop Statistics 06/12/2019
722 Switzerland SPS Committee thematic session on Approval Procedures Other global activity Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 05/11/2019
723 Switzerland WTO 39th Geneva Week Geneva Week Multi topic 18/10/2019
724 Switzerland Course on Goods Schedules for WTO Accession Thematic course/Workshop Accession 22/11/2019
725 Switzerland Innovation in, and access to, new and emerging health technologies. Joint technical symposium by the WHO, WIPO and WTO. Other global activity Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 31/10/2019