Activity Validation Workflow
Ittc Officer
Budget Section
Director approval
eAR Approved
BTOR preparation
BTOR Review
BTOR Approval
BTOR Approved


Title of the activity
Group Coordinators Support Programme (GCSP) - Assistance to the Group coordinator in fulfilling the coordination-related activities
Activity Type
Group Coordinators Support Programme
Under the WTO Group Coordinators Support Programme (GCSP), the Mission of a rotating group coordinator is eligible to have a participant (an official) based at the Mission, paid for by the WTO, for the period of the coordination. The role of the GCSP is to provide support to the Mission during the period the member is performing the regional coordination role.
WTO, Geneva
Trade topic
Multi topic
Start Date
End Date
Duration (days)
Activity Level
selection process
The aim of the GCSP is to provide support to the mission of TA beneficiary Members selected to coordinate a Grouping in the WTO. The development status of the coordinator and size of the permanent mission will also be considered.
• GCSP participants are posted in the permanent mission of their country.
• The GCSP provides capital-based mid-level public officials with a minimum of 5 years of working experience on WTO issues with the opportunity to learn on WTO-related matters through work experience as a delegate in Geneva. A maximum of six (6) GCSPs will be recruited annually.
• Candidates should typically be under 45 years of age.
• For coordinatorships lasting more than one year, Members are encouraged to use two different participants to cover the entire duration of their mandate in order to allow more individuals to benefit from this learning experience.

How to apply?
There is no call-for-candidate procedure as such for this programme since Members become eligible upon their designation as group coordinator.
As soon as a Member is designated for group coordination, applications for a GCSP (2 or 3 applications minimum) can be sent to the ITTC Director, with:
• a letter from the Member's Permanent Mission indicating the dates of the coordination mandate,
• complete curriculum vitaes (CVs) of the candidates,
• a list of WTO training courses/activities in which the candidates have participated, in particular Regional Trade Policy Course (RTPC) and/or Advanced Trade Policy Course (ATPC).

The selection process
Candidacies will be reviewed by a WTO selection committee.

In the selection process the criteria of highest qualifications in terms of WTO exposure and expected contribution to the set objectives will prevail, but the mission could be consulted on the candidate to be retained. The WTO selection committee will carefully review the qualifications of each of the candidate and assess with all means at its disposal, including through the WTO's data base, to what extent the candidate has undergone prior WTO training, including the number of e-Learning courses completed, face to face training, through regional seminars and RTPCs/ATPCs.

In addition, feedback will be sought from WTO trainers on the performance of the candidate during the courses, in order to retain the highest qualified officials and for whom the committee considers that the candidate can make the most useful contribution to attain the set objectives of the programme.
Members that are in Category III under administrative measures are not eligible for the programme.

Candidates who have already benefitted from any WTO long-term placement programme are not eligible.
Target Audience
Government officials
Key Result
1. Government officials are implementing WTO Agreements and fully realising Members' rights and obligations
Key Output
1.1: Government officials have enhanced knowledge about WTO Agreements, trade policy formulation and conduct of trade negotiations
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