Upcoming face-to-face activities

Technical Assistance activities delivered at a global, regional or national level, in Geneva and elsewhere.
Click on the titles to view details.
- Participation in national activities is only by invitation from the host country.
- For other activities, applications which do not respect the conditions specified under Prerequisites and Target audience will not be considered.

Trade Topic Title Venue Start Date End Date Activity type
E-commerce Regional Workshop on E-commerce for the Arab and Middle East countries Kuwait, the State of 17/10/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Agriculture Phase II - 2023/2024 Advanced Agriculture Notification Workshop Switzerland 17/10/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
E-commerce Singapore - WTO Workshop on e-Commerce Singapore 24/10/2024 Global
Accession National workshop on WTO accession Equatorial Guinea 23/10/2024 National
Information Technology Agreement and sectoral agreements The Information Technology Agreement and its role in an era of digital transformation Switzerland 01/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
E-commerce WTO National Workshop on Digital Trade China 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on WTO Agriculture Agreement (AoA) and its Notification Obligations Malaysia 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National activity on notifications and agriculture Cabo Verde 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on Agriculture. Colombia 31/10/2024 National
Multi topic South-South Dialogue on LDCs and Development Switzerland 31/10/2024 Global
Statistics Second regional workshop on Measuring Digital Trade for Arab countries
United Arab Emirates 07/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment National Activity on Trade and Environment - Action on Climate and Trade (ACT) initiative Indonesia 06/11/2024 National
Trade and Public Health Subregional Workshop on Trade and Public Health for South-East Asian Members and Observers Thailand 08/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment National Capacity Building Activity on Trade and Environment Indonesia 08/11/2024 National
Trade Negotiations Skills National workshop on Trade Negotiation skills for the Sultanate of Oman Oman 13/11/2024 National
Trade in Services Advanced Course on Services aspects of Electronic Commerce Switzerland 15/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Regional Workshop on the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Caucasus (CEECAC) Members and Observers
Austria 15/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Transparency WTO - SACU Post-TPR Sub-Regional Workshop on Notifications Namibia 15/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Trade in Services National workshop on Trade in Services Burkina Faso 15/11/2024 Virtual workshop - National
Multi topic XXIII Short Trade Policy Course for ALADI Member Countries. Uruguay 29/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Training on the ePing SPS&TBT Platform Zambia 21/11/2024 TA by partners - National
Dispute Settlement Advanced Course on WTO Dispute Settlement Switzerland 29/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Standards (SPS, TBT) WTO National Workshop on the Agreement on the application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and the Technical Barriers of Trade (TBT). Guatemala 28/11/2024 National
Agriculture 42nd Round of Consultations on Cotton Development Assistance Switzerland 28/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) Regional SPS Workshop for French-speaking Africa Morocco 06/12/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment WTO Advanced Thematic Course on Trade and Environment Switzerland 13/12/2024 Thematic course/Workshop

Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 05/12/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and the Negotiations. Jamaica 05/12/2024 National
Trade Negotiations Skills Regional Workshop on Trade Negotiation Skills. Grenada 06/12/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Import Licensing National workshop on import licensing procedures and notifications. Paraguay 06/12/2024 National
E-commerce WTO Workshop on Digital Trade for LDCs and Selected African Developing Countries Botswana 09/12/2024 Global
Trade in Services WTO National Seminar on the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Services Domestic Regulation, and Investment Facilitation for Development. Guyana 12/12/2024 National
Trade remedies 2024 - 2025 Workshop on Subsidies Notifications (First Phase) Switzerland 12/12/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Multi topic The Young Professionals Programme (YPP)
Switzerland 19/12/2025 Young Professionals Programme
Multi topic Group Coordinators Support Programme (GCSP) - Assistance to the Group coordinator in fulfilling the coordination-related activities Switzerland 19/12/2025 Group Coordinators Support Programme
Multi topic Advanced Trade Policy Course Switzerland 14/03/2025 Advanced Trade-policy course
Trade Negotiations Skills Workshop on Trade Negotiation Skills. Belize 31/01/2025 National
Multi topic French-Irish Mission Programme (FIMiP) Switzerland 12/12/2025 French Irish Mission Programme
Multi topic Netherlands Trainee Programme (NTP) Switzerland 12/12/2025 Netherlands Trainee Programme