Face-to-face Technical Assistance and Training activities

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Acceding beneficiaries

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*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

Activities by Key Result

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Days of Training by Reach

Days of Training by Language

Days of Training by Subject

Outreach activities

* Specific outreach activities organised for legislators, journalists, business and NGOs on WTO issues and trade policies

Days of Training by Region

Days of Training by Key Result

Days of Training by Level

*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

List of Activities

Venue Activity Title Activity Type Trade topic Start Date End Date
551 Switzerland Advanced Course on Trade in Services Thematic course/Workshop Trade in Services 22/09/2023
552 Switzerland WTO Training Course on Trade and Gender Thematic course/Workshop Trade and Gender 20/07/2023
553 Switzerland VIRTUAL WORKSHOP FOR UEMOA MEMBER COUNTRIES ON WTO, MC12 AND THE WAY FORWARD TO MC13 Virtual workshop - Regional Multi topic 24/04/2023
554 Switzerland Advanced Course on the Economic Analysis of Trade Policy Thematic course/Workshop Multi topic 30/06/2023
555 Switzerland The Young Professional Programme (YPP) Young Professionals Programme Multi topic 20/12/2024
556 Switzerland Advanced SPS Course Thematic course/Workshop Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 20/10/2023
557 Switzerland Annual Conference of the WTO Chairs Programme Global Multi topic 23/06/2023
558 Switzerland Evaluation of the Workshop on Subsidies Notifications TA support TA Support 09/06/2023
559 Switzerland Evaluation of the Follow-up session of the SPS Transparency Champions Course TA support TA Support 15/06/2023
560 Switzerland Trade and Public Health Workshop. Thematic course/Workshop Trade and Public Health 10/11/2023
561 Switzerland 39th WTO Introduction Day Other global activity Multi topic 12/04/2023
562 Switzerland Advanced Global e-Workshop on the GPA 2012. Virtual workshop - Global Government Procurement 12/05/2023
563 Switzerland CLDP Consultations on Illicit Trade in Counterfeit Goods with a High-Level Delegation From Central Asian Economies TA by partners - Regional Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 16/02/2023
564 Switzerland Follow-up Session of the SPS Transparency Champions Course. Thematic course/Workshop Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 15/06/2023
565 Switzerland WTO Training Course on Trade and Gender Thematic course/Workshop Trade and Gender 05/05/2023
566 Switzerland 2023 WTO Workshop on Subsidies Notifications. Thematic course/Workshop Trade remedies 09/06/2023
567 Switzerland Services Trade Policy in Africa: Conference and workshop. Other global activity Trade in Services 28/02/2023
568 Switzerland Introductory Trade Policy Course for LDCs. Global Multi topic 12/05/2023
569 Switzerland Capacity building workshop on the notification of quantitative restrictions Other global activity Quantitative restrictions 26/04/2023
570 Switzerland PhD Support Programme PhD fellowship Multi topic 31/12/2023
571 Switzerland Accession Internship Programme (AIP)

Accessions Internship Programme Accession 23/12/2022
572 Switzerland Accession Internship Programme (AIP)
Accessions Internship Programme Accession 22/12/2023
573 Switzerland Advisory service to developing countries on dispute settlement - DSU - Article 27.2 Global Dispute Settlement 31/12/2022
574 Switzerland WTO e-Learning courses e-Learning course Multi topic 31/12/2022
575 Switzerland 2023 Workshop for Heads of Investigating Authorities. Other global activity Trade remedies 05/05/2023