Upcoming face-to-face activities

Technical Assistance activities delivered at a global, regional or national level, in Geneva and elsewhere.
Click on the titles to view details.
- Participation in national activities is only by invitation from the host country.
- For other activities, applications which do not respect the conditions specified under Prerequisites and Target audience will not be considered.

Trade Topic Title Venue Start Date End Date Activity type
Information Technology Agreement and sectoral agreements The Information Technology Agreement and its role in an era of digital transformation Switzerland 01/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
E-commerce WTO National Workshop on Digital Trade China 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on WTO Agriculture Agreement (AoA) and its Notification Obligations Malaysia 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National activity on notifications and agriculture Cabo Verde 30/10/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on Agriculture. Colombia 31/10/2024 National
Multi topic South-South Dialogue on LDCs and Development Switzerland 31/10/2024 Global
Statistics Second regional workshop on Measuring Digital Trade for Arab countries
United Arab Emirates 07/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment National Activity on Trade and Environment - Action on Climate and Trade (ACT) initiative Indonesia 06/11/2024 National
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Experience sharing on TBT Technical Assistance and Committee Engagement Switzerland 08/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Trade and Public Health Subregional Workshop on Trade and Public Health for South-East Asian Members and Observers Thailand 08/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment National Capacity Building Activity on Trade and Environment Indonesia 08/11/2024 National
Trade Negotiations Skills National workshop on Trade Negotiation skills for the Sultanate of Oman Oman 13/11/2024 National
Trade in Services Advanced Course on Services aspects of Electronic Commerce Switzerland 15/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Regional Workshop on the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Caucasus (CEECAC) Members and Observers
Austria 15/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Transparency WTO - SACU Post-TPR Sub-Regional Workshop on Notifications Namibia 15/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Trade in Services National workshop on Trade in Services Burkina Faso 15/11/2024 Virtual workshop - National
Multi topic XXIII Short Trade Policy Course for ALADI Member Countries. Uruguay 29/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Trade in Services Facilitating Investment for Development and Services Domestic Regulation. Guatemala 22/11/2024 Virtual workshop - National
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Training on the ePing SPS&TBT Platform Zambia 21/11/2024 TA by partners - National
Dispute Settlement Advanced Course on WTO Dispute Settlement Switzerland 29/11/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Standards (SPS, TBT) WTO National Workshop on the Agreement on the application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and the Technical Barriers of Trade (TBT). Guatemala 28/11/2024 National
Agriculture 42nd Round of Consultations on Cotton Development Assistance Switzerland 28/11/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Environment WTO Advanced Thematic Course on Trade and Environment Switzerland 13/12/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Import Licensing National workshop on import licensing procedures and notifications. Paraguay 04/12/2024 National
Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) Regional SPS Workshop for French-speaking Africa Morocco 06/12/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Trade Negotiations Skills Regional Workshop on Trade Negotiation Skills. Grenada 06/12/2024 Regional course/Workshop

Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 05/12/2024 National
Agriculture National Workshop on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and the Negotiations. Jamaica 05/12/2024 National
Standards (SPS, TBT) WTO National Workshop on the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Nepal 06/12/2024 National
E-commerce WTO Workshop on Digital Trade for LDCs and Selected African Developing Countries Botswana 09/12/2024 Global
Trade in Services WTO National Seminar on the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Services Domestic Regulation, and Investment Facilitation for Development. Guyana 12/12/2024 National
Trade remedies 2024 - 2025 Workshop on Subsidies Notifications (First Phase) Switzerland 12/12/2024 Thematic course/Workshop
Agriculture Regional seminar on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and the negotiations Senegal 12/12/2024 Regional course/Workshop
Multi topic WTO Support Programme for Doctoral Studies Switzerland 31/12/2025 PhD fellowship
Multi topic The Young Professionals Programme (YPP)
Switzerland 19/12/2025 Young Professionals Programme
Multi topic Group Coordinators Support Programme (GCSP) - Assistance to the Group coordinator in fulfilling the coordination-related activities Switzerland 19/12/2025 Group Coordinators Support Programme
Multi topic Advanced Trade Policy Course Switzerland 14/03/2025 Advanced Trade-policy course
Customs Valuation National Workshop on the Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation Nigeria 24/01/2025 National
Trade Negotiations Skills Workshop on Trade Negotiation Skills. Belize 31/01/2025 National
Multi topic French-Irish Mission Programme (FIMiP) Switzerland 12/12/2025 French Irish Mission Programme
Multi topic Netherlands Trainee Programme (NTP) Switzerland 12/12/2025 Netherlands Trainee Programme