Title of the activity
Regional Workshop on measuring digital trade for CARICOM countries
Activity Type
TA by partners - Regional
Digital technologies have made it increasingly feasible for buyers and sellers to place and receive orders on a global scale. They also enable the instantaneous remote delivery of services directly into businesses and homes. Although international trade statistics should, in principle, cover digital trade, compilers face considerable measurement challenges. The involvement of digital intermediation platforms (DIPs) compounds those difficulties. The 2023 IMF-OECD-UNCTAD-WTO Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade, clarifies the concepts and definitions related to digital trade and establishes the foundation for measuring digital trade in a way that is internationally comparable. The workshop will introduce senior officials from central banks, national statistics offices, and other agencies in CARICOM countries to the recommendations of the Handbook.
Trinidad and Tobago
Port of Spain
Trade topic
Start Date
End Date
Duration (days)
Activity Level
Key Result
1. Government officials are implementing WTO Agreements and fully realising Members' rights and obligations
Key Output
1.1: Government officials have enhanced knowledge about WTO Agreements, trade policy formulation and conduct of trade negotiations