Face-to-face Technical Assistance and Training activities

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Acceding beneficiaries

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*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

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Days of Training by Subject

Outreach activities

* Specific outreach activities organised for legislators, journalists, business and NGOs on WTO issues and trade policies

Days of Training by Region

Days of Training by Key Result

Days of Training by Level

*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

List of Activities

Venue Activity Title Activity Type Trade topic Start Date End Date
451 Saint Kitts and Nevis Virtual WTO Training Course on Trade and Gender

Virtual workshop - National Trade and Gender 13/08/2021
452 Saint Kitts and Nevis National Capacity Building Workshop on Notifications Virtual workshop - National Transparency 09/07/2020
453 Saint Kitts and Nevis WTO National workshop on e-Commerce National E-commerce 27/02/2020
454 Saint Kitts and Nevis Regional WTO Capacity Building Workshop on Trade and Environment Regional course/Workshop Environment 17/01/2019
455 Saint Lucia Regional Workshop on WTO Notification requirements for the Caribbean. Regional course/Workshop Transparency 10/10/2024
456 Saint Lucia Virtual national WTO Virtual Workshop on ePing
Virtual workshop - National Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 22/04/2021
457 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sub-Regional Workshop on ongoing Multilateral Trade Negotiations and joint initiatives for OECS-WTO Members Regional course/Workshop Multi topic 05/11/2019
458 Samoa WTO National workshop on Trade in Goods and Services Statistics National Statistics 04/09/2019
459 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Trade Remedies Workshop for GCC Member States TA by partners - Regional Trade remedies 11/07/2024
460 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE GCC COUNTRIES TA by partners - Regional Trade in Services 30/04/2024

National Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 05/12/2024
462 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Regional Trade Policy Course (RTPC) for Arab and Middle Eastern Members and Observers of the WTO. Regional Trade Policy Course Multi topic 05/12/2024
463 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Fact-finding mission for the selection of the next partner for the Arab and Middle East region TA support TA Support 06/06/2023
464 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Virtual Workshop on the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) Virtual workshop - National Trade in Services 15/09/2022
465 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Virtual National Seminar on Investment Facilitation for Development Initiative Virtual workshop - National Trade in Services 14/09/2022
466 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of National Workshop on Market Access Issues National Market Access for Trade in Goods 27/10/2022
467 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of National seminar on Import Licensing and Notifications Virtual workshop - National Import Licensing 14/12/2021
468 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Virtual National Seminar on Regional Trade Agreements Virtual workshop - National Regional Trade Agreements 16/11/2021
469 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of GCC Workshop on Food Security, Global Trade and Covid 19GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf) Virtual workshop - Regional Agriculture 21/07/2020
470 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Workshop on the State of play in the WTO National Multi topic 06/02/2020
471 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of National seminar on Trade Negotiations Skills National Trade Negotiations Skills 19/12/2019
472 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Fact finding mission to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (3-4 March 2019) for the selection of a partner institution for the RTPC for Arab and Middle Eastern Members and Observers of the WTO TA support TA Support 04/03/2019
473 Senegal Regional seminar on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and the negotiations Regional course/Workshop Agriculture 12/12/2024
474 Senegal National workshop on TRIPS and Public Health National Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 05/07/2019
475 Senegal Regional Workshop on Public Health, Intellectual Property and Public Procurement for WAEMU Members Regional course/Workshop Trade and Public Health 04/07/2019