Face-to-face Technical Assistance and Training activities

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Acceding beneficiaries

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*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

Activities by Key Result

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Days of Training by Reach

Days of Training by Language

Days of Training by Subject

Outreach activities

* Specific outreach activities organised for legislators, journalists, business and NGOs on WTO issues and trade policies

Days of Training by Region

Days of Training by Key Result

Days of Training by Level

*Activities organized by other institutions in which the WTO participated are not included in the chart below

List of Activities

Venue Activity Title Activity Type Trade topic Start Date End Date
676 Switzerland Regional Virtual Workshop on the SPS Notification Submission System (SPS NSS) Virtual workshop - Regional Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 22/01/2021
677 Switzerland Virtual Executive Trade Course Virtual workshop - Global Multi topic 12/03/2021
678 Switzerland Virtual regional Workshop on subsidies notifications for Latin American Countries Virtual workshop - Regional Trade remedies 26/02/2021
679 Switzerland WTO E-Learning courses Other global activity Multi topic 31/12/2020
680 Switzerland PhD Support Programme PhD fellowship Multi topic 23/12/2021
681 Switzerland 9th China Round Table on WTO Accessions - 25 Years of WTO Accessions in Review Global Accession 11/12/2020
682 Switzerland French-Irish Mission Internship Programme (FIMIP) French Irish Mission Programme Multi topic 13/12/2021
683 Switzerland Netherlands Trainee Programme (NTP) Netherlands Trainee Programme Multi topic 13/12/2021
684 Switzerland WTO Workshop on the implementation of Art. 66.2 of the TRIPS agreement: Incentives for technology transfer to LDCs. Virtual workshop - Global Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 10/03/2021
685 Switzerland WTO Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Young Professionals Programme Multi topic 13/12/2021
686 Switzerland Online Regional Trade Policy Course for Arab and Middle Eastern Countries Regional Trade Policy Course Multi topic 25/03/2021
687 Switzerland SPS Committee Thematic Session on Voluntary Third Party Assurance Schemes Virtual workshop - Global Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 03/11/2020
688 Switzerland An Integrated Health, Trade and Intellectual Property Approach to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic Virtual workshop - Global Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 21/10/2020
689 Switzerland Advanced Global E-Workshop on WTO Plurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement Virtual workshop - Global Government Procurement 14/12/2020
690 Switzerland Virtual WTO Agriculture Symposium Virtual workshop - Global Agriculture 03/12/2020
691 Switzerland Accession Internship Programme (AIP) Accessions Internship Programme Accession 23/12/2020
692 Switzerland APEC training Virtual workshop - Regional Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 14/07/2020
693 Switzerland ePing Refresher Course Virtual workshop - Global Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) 19/05/2020
694 Switzerland TRIPS Transparency Webinars Virtual workshop - Global Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 16/07/2020
695 Switzerland E-Seminar on Competition Policy, Trade and Development. Virtual workshop - Global Multi topic 01/10/2020
696 Switzerland Virtual Training on Agriculture and the WTO for Acceding Governments Virtual workshop - Global Accession 22/10/2020
697 Switzerland Online Regional Trade Policy Course for Caribbean countries Regional Trade Policy Course Multi topic 13/11/2020
698 Switzerland WTO sponsorship of the Final Oral Round of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO law TA by partners - Regional Dispute Settlement 28/06/2020
699 Switzerland (Virtual )National WTO Workshop for Colombian officials on Non-Preferential Rules of Origin Virtual workshop - National Rules of Origin 21/05/2020
700 Switzerland Virtual exchanges: Follow-up to the 2019 Advanced Course on the WTO Agreement on the Application of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Virtual workshop - Global Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) 16/06/2020